We are seeking self-motivated visiting students, research assistants, post-docs, graduate students, and interns with an interest in AI for life sciences and therapeutic design. Given our current focus on dry lab experiments, I am mainly accepting students with programming skills. Please ensure that you have some basic knowledge of Linux, Python, deep learning programming, or/and bioinformatics before applying. Most of my graduate students are in the ECE or EECS program.

If you are interested in joining our group, please send your complete curriculum vitae to shuangjia.zhengATsjtu.edu.cn. I probably won't reply unless I can see you've put some thought into it. Please explain why you specifically want to work with me, what projects you've worked on, and what you're interested in learning more about or working on. Even better, explain which approaches you think are currently overhyped or underhyped. If you put  word "gift" written btheackwards in your email subject, I'll know you've read this page. 

We are currently interested in protein language models, structure-inspired physical models, and their applications in gene editing enzymes and immunotherapeutics. This work requires a good understanding of large language models and geometric neural networks, and would benefit from familiarity with synthetic biology and structural biology.
